Frequently Asked Questions
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1. What is Paisley Place?
Paisley Place is an affordable rental housing project proposed to be built and operated by Gabriola Housing Society (GHS), an incorporated non-profit society and registered charity. Its aim is to provide comfortable and secure rental housing at an affordable rent to people with low to modest incomes. GHS plans to build 24 homes (in triplex buildings) comprising studios, 1-bedroom, 2-bedroom, and 3-bedroom dwellings. Dwelling sizes will range from 455 sq ft to 1387 sq ft., averaging 900 sq. ft. (Three-bedroom homes will have two storeys.)
2. How is this proposal being dealt with by the Islands Trust at the local level?
In January 2020 GHS applied to the Gabriola Island LTC to rezone two properties on Paisley Place for multi-dwelling affordable housing. Community Information Meetings were held in August and December 2020. Below is a graphic showing the approval process as presented at the December 10, 2020, Community Information Meeting.
On June 16, 2022, the LTC gave final reading to three bylaws (#306, 307, and 308) and adopted them. This decision rezoned Lots 1 and 2, north and east of Paisley Place for affordable rental housing for people with low to moderate incomes. On October 27, 2022, on the IT Staff’s recommendation, the LTC approved GHS’s application for a Building Development Permit (OCP Development Permit Area #11: Environmental Protection) and a Development Variance Permit for Paisley Place Lots 1 and 2. This completed the LTC rezoning process described in the graphic below.
3. Where is Paisley Place?
4. Why was Paisley Place chosen as the site for the housing project?
After extensive research, the Paisley Place land was one of the options that GHS considered appropriate
- the site is close to services (school, clinic, shopping, public transport)
- an access road is already in place
- the site is adjacent to two forested parks and a public trail system
- in Aug 2019, the land was donated to GHS by the owner, Emcon Services
5. Why is this affordable rental housing needed on Gabriola?
GHS believes that a strong community needs all members, not just the wealthy and physically able, to have healthy, secure, affordable homes. Multiple studies (including by the Islands Trust) over the last decade have found an acute shortage of affordable, decent, secure rental housing here (as elsewhere). Most communities are experiencing the same problem—moving elsewhere is not a solution.
6. What is affordable housing?
The Islands Trust Northern Islands Housing Needs Assessment Report (June 2018) defined it this way:
“Generally, affordable housing refers to housing units that are affordable by that section of society whose income is below the median household income.
The definition of affordable housing varies; however, Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) and British Columbia define affordable housing as housing that does not cost more than 30% of a household’s annual income, which includes utilities.”
7. When will this housing be built and occupied?
Updated November 2024: Preliminary staging and clearing work has begun. The building process will extend through 2025 and we hope to have the units ready for their first occupants in Spring 2026. We will provide ongoing updates through social media and this website as construction proceeds.
8. What about water?
Water licence: As part of the provincial government’s Water Licence application process, on December 3, 2020 GHS received the Hydrogeological Technical Review (3.2MB PDF). This review contains important observations and conclusions that would guide the decision re providing the Water Licence for Paisley Place. GHS received the Water Licence from the BC government on May 3, 2021. All water treatments required by Island Health for potable water are included in our constructions plans.
Early testing of the main well on the project site indicated that there was adequate water for the needs of the project. GHS also investigated rainwater harvesting, rain gardens, and grey-water systems for such things as toilet flushing and minimal irrigation. In 2024, we significantly revised the planned water supply system to incorporate rainwater collection alongside well water to ensure a reliable and sustainable source of potable water, strengthening the project’s longer-term viability.
9. What about septic?
A Wastewater Report indicated that either a Type 2 or a Type 3 system is adequate for the site. GHS has chosen to go with a Type 3 advanced secondary treatment system.
10. Where will the money come from to build and operate the housing?
GHS has received the majority of funding to build our project through the BC Housing Shovel Ready grant program, and through a program operated by CMHC. Following construction, GHS will not receive operating funds or subsidy from BC Housing. Once built, operating costs for Paisley Place will be funded through rental income.
11. What is the approximate development and construction budget?
Updated November 9, 2024: The approximate cost for the development activities (since 2019) and construction (2024-2026) of Paisley Place is $17,500,000. Details of funding sources will be published in the coming weeks.
12. How can Gabriolans be assured that the property will remain zoned for affordable housing?
As required by Gabriola’s current Official Community Plan, on August 18, 2022, Housing Agreement By-law #308 was registered as a covenant on the property titles of Lots 1 and 2 Paisley Place. Among other stipulations, the Housing Agreement Bylaw establishes certain eligibility requirements for prospective tenants.
13. What will the tenants’ income levels be?
Updated information coming soon.
14. Who can live at Paisley Place?
- As required by Gabriola’s current Official Community Plan, on August 18, 2022, Housing Agreement By-law #308 was registered as a covenant on the property titles of Lots 1 and 2 Paisley Place. Among other stipulations, the Housing Agreement Bylaw establishes certain eligibility requirements for prospective tenants.
- Tenants must be able to live independently (that is, there will be no on-site services provided by GHS for people with special needs).
15. How can people apply?
- Application details will be provided closer to the project opening.
- Applicants will not need to be members of the Gabriola Housing Society.
16. Who will manage the operations of the project?
GHS will oversee the work of an Operations Manager.
Reach Us

Gabriola Housing Society
PO Box 76
Gabriola, BC, V0R 1X0