Gabriola Housing Society

Working for affordable housing on Gabriola


Gabriola Housing Society respectfully acknowledges that we live and work on lands that are part of Snuneymuxw First Nation territory. We are grateful to the Nation for their traditional stewardship of these lands.

Gabriola Housing Society is a non-profit, registered charity. Our vision is:
Affordable, comfortable, secure rental housing for Gabriolans of all ages who have low to moderate incomes.

Read about our proposed building site at Paisley Place. Find answers to the most frequently asked questions on our FAQ page. If you have questions or concerns please use our contact information at the bottom of this page.

News Update — February 2025

Funding in place:

In Fall 2024 we were notified by BC Housing and CMHC that their funding for the Paisley Place project was assured. Thus, in November, we began building-site preparation.


Paisley Place building site is cleared!

The necessary tree felling is now complete on the 2-acre building site within the 5-acre land parcel (Lots 1 and 2 on the map) east and north of Paisley Place. Further levelling and preparation of the building site continues. Needed materials (such as gravel) are stored nearby at the south end of Lot 4, opposite the fenced Mainroads property (Lot 3).

Limited local trails access during construction

There are several changes to local trail access during construction:

  • Former local trails through the building site are now unavailable to the public.
  • The public trail from the northwest end of Paisley Place to the end of Lochinvar is closed during construction.
  • The north end of the new north-south trail in the Paisley Park panhandle intersects the trail from Lochinvar to the Health Centre, and its south end can be accessed from the schoolyard during our construction.

How many homes?

When complete (probably in mid-2026), there will be 24 new homes built in two clusters of four triplexes connected by walkways. There will be 4 studios, 8 one-bedroom, 4 two-bedroom, and 8 three-bedroom homes. Six homes will be wheelchair accessible. Rents will be confirmed closer to opening, and GHS will be offering most of the homes at below average market rate.

Who will live there?

In accordance with our Housing Agreement with Islands Trust, initial housing priority will be given to those who currently live or work on Gabriola, and to registered members of Snuneymuxw First Nation.

What is the application process?

The application process and waiting lists are not yet in place. Once construction is well underway, Gabriola Housing Society will announce the application procedure in local electronic and print news media as well as on this website and our GHS Facebook page. Please note that membership in GHS does NOT put you on any housing lists—it shows your support of GHS’s work.

Did you know you can receive Gabriola Housing Society (GHS) membership for only $5?

Your membership entitles you to vote at Annual and Special General Meetings, and you will receive GHS news directly by email. You will also know that you are helping to build more affordable and secure housing on Gabriola.

You Can Help Us

One of the best ways you can help is to make a tax-deductible donation. GHS is a registered charity. Use our Canada Helps website form button to make your donation—they will issue your tax receipt. Or you can send an e-transfer to or cheque directly to GHS.

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