GHS at Paisley Place
Our land on Paisley Place

Paisley Place, Gabriola Island, Summer 2019
Through a very generous donation by Emcon Services Inc., Gabriola Housing Society has acquired 8 acres (3.24 hectares) of beautiful, suitable land surrounding the end of Paisley Place (lots 1, 2, and 4 on the map below) where we hope to build affordable multi-dwelling rental housing. The property is close to the village, the school, health centres, shopping, transportation, the Commons, and Huxley Park.

We envision 24 rental dwellings, mainly for people with low to moderate income, in a variety of dwelling sizes averaging 900 sq ft (83.6 sq m), and clustered in a way that disturbs as few trees as possible. We also plan to preserve a substantial forest buffer between the new homes and the neighbours on Lockinvar Lane by building on Lots 1 and 2 to the east and north of Paisley Place.
Check back for more! We will be posting regular updates to these pages as progress is made.

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You Can Help Us
One of the best ways you can help is to make a tax-deductible donation. GHS is a registered charity. Use our Canada Helps website form button to make your donation—they will issue your tax receipt. Or you can send an e-transfer to or cheque directly to GHS.
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Your membership entitles you to vote at Annual and Special General Meetings, and you will receive GHS news directly by email. You will also know that you are helping to build more affordable and secure housing on Gabriola.
Reach Us

Gabriola Housing Society
PO Box 76
Gabriola, BC, V0R 1X0