Project Progress
Paisley Place Project Progress
- January-February 2025: Tree felling and timber removal completed at the Paisley Place building site. Site clearance and levelling continues.
- November 2024: Staging and preliminary site clearance and tree-felling begins on site. TImber management and land preparation will occupy the first weeks of construction.
- October 2024: GHS receives confirmation of funding from CMHC.
- September 2024: GHS receives confirmation of funding from BC Housing.
- Summer 2024:
– Significantly revised the overall project budget due to sharply risen material and labour costs.
– Completed the tendering process.
– Compiled the detailed construction budget.
- Spring 2024:
– Revised the well-water supply system to incorporate rainwater collection, ensuring a sustainable source of potable water.
– Worked with GaLTT and RDN to ensure that the trail through Paisley Park was extended northward to connect with the Lochinvar—Clinic trail.
January 2024: Because the Community Housing Fund (CHF) is extremely competitive, the Board seeks funding though another BC Housing funding stream.
- November/December 2023: Submitted development plans to Regional District of Nanaimo (RDN) for permitting
November 2023: Construction drawings were completed.
June 2023: Lots 1 and 2 Paisley Place were legally consolidated into “Parcel A Paisley Place”
- May 2023: Construction drawings neared completion, including for the common building.
- March 2023: Grading details were established for pathways between the buildings.
- January 2023: GHS signed a trail licence with GaLTT for public use of the trail from the north-west end of Paisley Place to the RDN trail from Lochinvar Lane to the Health Centre.
- November 2022: The RDN Parks Committee for Gabriola (POSAC) agreed to create a public trail in the north-south “panhandle” of Paisley Park. This panhandle forms the east border of the GHS property where the housing project will be built.
- October 27, 2022: Local trust Committee approves GHS’s application for a Building Development Permit (OCP Development Permit Area #11: Environmental Protection) and a Development Variance Permit for Paisley Place Lots 1 and 2 that accommodated extra required parking places close to the road.
- August 18, 2022: Housing Agreement Bylaw #308 was registered as a covenant on the property titles of our Paisley Place Lots 1 and 2.
- June 16, 2022: Local Trust Committee adopts all three bylaws (306, 307, and 308) required to rezone Lots 1 and 2, north and east of Paisley Place for affordable rental housing for people with low to moderate incomes.
- June 8, 2022: IT Executive Committee approves Housing Agreement Bylaw #308 as recommended in the IT Staff Report and recommends to Gabriola LTC “…that before it adopts Bylaw 308 (Housing Agreement) the interests of the SFN in this bylaw are confirmed”.
- May 2022: Local Trustees give second and third readings to Housing Agreement Bylaw 308.
- April 2022: GHS requests that the current draft Housing Agreement go forward to the April 7 LTC meeting and Staff Planner Zupanec recommends that the Trustees give Housing Agreement Bylaw 308 Second and Third Reading.
- March 2022:
- Two Board members meet with Snuneymuxw First Nation Housing Committee in the spirit of reconciliation and relationship building to discuss their request for 25% priority allocation of the homes at Paisley Place and possible future amendments to the Housing Agreement.
- GHS receives generous anonymous donations totalling over $210,000, enabling the project to proceed to the “shovel ready” stage in time for the next round of BC Housing funding applications.
- January 2022: BC Housing announces that invitations to apply for the next round of Community Housing Funding will be issued within the next 24 months.
- December 2021: GHS is granted a Green Municipal Fund award of $14,500.
- October 2021: GHS receives donations of $5000 from Gabriola Lions Club and $50,000 in securities from an anonymous community member.
- September 22, 2021: GHS Board and Building Committee meet with our Development Consultant and Architect to discuss and agree on:
- changes to the triplex layout plans that will improve indoor light and privacy, and increase personal outdoor space.
- which technical details of the project will need further discussion with the Board.
- Summer 2021: GHS Board exchanges messages with representatives of Snuneymuxw First Nation, requesting to meet with them as soon as possible at their convenience to further discuss the project and their preliminary comments and requests.
- July 2021: BC Minister of Municipal Affairs Josie Osborne approves Bylaw #306 (OCP)
- June 4, 2021: GHS is notified by BC Housing that their application for funding through the 2021 Community Housing Fund has NOT been selected.
- May 3, 2021: GHS receives the Water Licence for the proposed development from the BC government.
- March 4, 2021: IT Staff amend the proposed Bylaw #308 (Housing Agreement) following review by IT lawyers and prepare it for possible 2nd and 3rd Reading by the local Trustees. At the same time, the Snuneymuxw First Nation (SFN) asks for more time to review it, so the LTC resolves not to proceed until they receive SFN’s comments.
- January 15, 2021: GHS submits to BC Housing our application for funding from the Community Housing Fund.
- January 13, 2021: Proposed Bylaws #306 (Official Community Plan) and #307 (Land Use Bylaw) are approved by the Islands Trust Executive Committee. BL #306 is then forwarded to the Minister of Municipal Affairs, Josie Osborne, for her approval.
- January 7, 2021: Following the Public Hearing, the Local Trust Committee votes to amend and give Third Reading to Bylaw #306 (Official Community Plan) and Bylaw #307 (Land-Use Bylaw), and to send these bylaw changes to the Islands Trust Executive Committee for approval.
- December 10, 2020: Community Information Meeting: LTC staff and GHS present the current state of the application following second reading of the proposed bylaws and answer questions from the community. Read the GHS presentation here (PDF, 8.4MB).
- November 26, 2020: Local Trust Committee gives First Reading (of three) to Housing Agreement Bylaw #308. They also rescheduled the Public Hearing about the proposals to January 7, 2021.
- October 22, 2020: The Local Trust Committee amends the proposed changes to the Official Community Plan and Land-Use Bylaw, and gives them Second Reading (of three). They also schedule December 10 for the Community Information Meeting and Public Hearing about the proposed project and by-law changes.
- August 26, 2020: The Local Trust Committee holds their Community Information Meeting (CIM) by Zoom webinar about the project and the proposed by-law changes required to enable it. Click on Gabriola Housing Society’s application on the Islands Trust Gabriola Current Applications page to link to the recorded CIM.
- July 2020: GHS hires the Architect, Civil Engineer, and Landscape Architect for the project, and they draft a new site plan based on all our technical reports and consultations with local authorities such as the fire department.
- June 25, 2020:
- The Local Trust Committee gives First Reading (of three) to the proposed changes to the Official Community Plan and Land Use Bylaw.
- GHS requests an accelerated process for the rezoning application to enable a strong application for BC Housing funding in January 2021.
- May 2020: GHS receives $110,000 from BC Housing’s Project Development Fund.
- April 2020: Repay the loan from Gabriola Investment Coop.
- January 2020: GHS formally applies to the Local Trust Committee to make the necessary changes to the Official Community Plan and Land Use Bylaw to enable the proposed Paisley Place affordable rental housing project to go forward.
- January 2020: Create a preliminary site plan for 24 units of affordable rental housing in two clusters of four triplex buildings with trail connections on Lots 1 and 2 on Paisley Place.
- November 16, 2019: Hold Community Consultation meeting at The Community Hall about our proposed affordable rental housing development on Paisley Place. This is recorded by a neutral third party for inclusion with our application to the Islands Trust. Link to presentation file.
- Fall 2019: Hire qualified technical professionals (hydrology, waste water, sewage, ecology, arborist) to measure and report on the Paisley Place site’s capacity for development.
- October 2019: Receive a $100,000 donation from an anonymous community member.
- September 2019: Receive a third grant from the Gabriola Auxiliary.
- August 2019: Receive $30,000 grant from the VanCity Community Foundation.
- August 2019: Acquire 8 acres of land on Paisley Place by donation from Emcon Services Inc.
- July 2019: Receive our first significant private financial donation ($24,000) from an anonymous community member.
- June 2019: Receive $15,000 loan from Gabriola Island Community Investment Co-op to enable planning.
- June 2019: Hire Ian Scott as our Development Consultant for the project.
- May 2019: GHS receives approval as a Federal registered charity, able to receive tax-deductible donations.
- Fall 2018: Receive a second grant from Gabriola Auxiliary.
- Summer 2018: Expand the board and start looking for a suitable site to build affordable rental housing near the village core.
- May, 2018: GHS holds a Community Forum on Affordable Housing to see what types of affordable housing Gabriolans would support. View the Affordable Housing Forum Report (1.4mb, PDF)
- Fall 2017: Receive a grant from Gabriola Auxiliary for Island Health Care Society.
Reach Us

Gabriola Housing Society
PO Box 76
Gabriola, BC, V0R 1X0